Extending Your Payday Loan: Avoid Late Fees & Get More Time
In most states you can renew or extend your payday loan past the original due date through an easy process in which you are only required to pay the current finance charge, deferring the remaining balance, along with an additional finance charge, to a future date. During this process you will sign a new agreement and will be given the opportunity to make an additional payment toward your principle balance as well.
Benefits of Extending Your Payday Loan: (where eligible)
- Gives you more time to pay your loan back
- By paying down some of the principle balance when you extend, it makes your loan easier to pay off
- It is simpler than paying a loan in full and then taking out another loan
How To Extend Your Loan
- To extend an eligible online payday loan, sign in to your account and submit an extension request before 7:30 PM MT (6:30 PM PT) the business day before your loan is due.
- To extend an eligible payday loan that was taken out at one of our store locations, you will need to visit a store location on or before your loan due date.
Extensions are not allowed in the State of California and Wyoming.